AEI provided Phase I/II services including "build" alternate evaluation and Public Involvement Coordination on this sensitive project. Cemetery Road was partial reconstruction and new alignment project through a scenic and densely residential area of Bowling Green. This project required comprehensive and consistent public involvement. AEI was instrumental in developing this new “Gateway to Bowling Green.” Specific items addressed on this project:
• AEI prepared Phase I studies of the construction/ reconstruction of KY 234 – Cemetery Road. Included in the analysis was the analysis and design of Lovers Lane (urban arterial) onto Cemetery Road and determination of the best options to provide the optimum Level of Service for both roadways.
• AEI prepared three “build” alternates - two utilized an urban curb and gutter section for a project segment, with the remainder a rural section.
• The first segment incorporated a curb and gutter typical section that had to accommodate numerous access points, maintain storm drainage, limit impacts to existing utilities, and minimize property impacts.
• Similar to the Elizabethtown Sports Complex, the project had to avoid/minimize impacts to a Section 106 4(f) resource at Spero Keriakes Park.
• “This road was superbly designed. The bike/running path is an excellent addition and encourages interaction within our community.” Lowall C. Ware, local resident who commutes along Cemetery Road.
• Cemetery Road was an ACEC (American Council of Engineering Companies) award winner for AEI!
Click the media link below for a unique view of our project.